How to update the audio on my score?

• Aug 5, 2023 - 21:37

I wanted to change some things in my score after uploading, but after I uploaded a new version using "Update this score" it still kept played the old audio without the new changes. How do I make it generate a new audio track for my score? Is there any way to upload my own audio file without needing a YouTube link (i.e. uploading the MP3 that I exported on my PC)?

Here's the score I'm trying to update:
The discrepancy between the audio and the score is most obvious at measures 64 and 65, with the audio in a completely different octave than what the score shows. I'll also attach my MuseScore document and the my own MP3 export.

Attachment Size
Watashi Dake 3.09 MB


Don't use your browser to upload scores if you want your own audio - publish from within MuseScore.

For other questions about the score-sharing website, please ask over there on that site.

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