Print Preview

• Aug 20, 2023 - 00:20

I need to adjust the printed score to be as large as will fit on a page to compensate for poor vision and to reduce the width slightly so it can be trimmed to fit over a page in a hymn book.

This is simple to do in Noteworthy but I can't find a way to do it in MS.

To clarify... assume a short piece like three lines. I want to fill the page with those three lines, i.e stretch the both horizontally and vertically.

Thanks, Jack


There are several options:

  • You can use a smaller page size
  • You can increase the scaling ("staff space")
  • You can use the stretch function

All can be found under 'Format'.

Since I always export my sheets to a PDF file, my PDF reader (Foxit) offers the possibility to scale the printout so that a PDF created for an A5 format fits on an A4 sheet and is thus about 35% larger.

For only three lines it is worth to think about a landscape orientation.

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