Edit text of Copyright

• Oct 5, 2014 - 09:46
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion
by design

GIT commit: 1efc609

You can't edit the text of the Copyright in the score.


Angel Enfedaque


You can, but it is hidden away.

Open the File Menu and open the Info dialogue. You can enter the copyright info there.

The actual printing of the copyright string is controlled from the footer, which you can edit in Style/General Style/Header, Footer, Number.

There is a problem with producing a multi-line copyright string though.

In versión 1.3, you can edit the copyright from the score. Was'n it better?.

Now, if you want to write ©, you have to write "Alt+184" in "Score Information" window. Before it could be used "Special Characters" Window.


BTW, you can still create a temporary text item (or just use the title or some existing text), insert the copyright symbol using the F2 palette there, then cut sand paste into the copyright field. But butter IMHO would be a direct way to access the F2 palette from the new score wizard and/or file info dialogs.

How can I get the font I want in the copyright field? I can't find options in the header/footer stuff, and changing the font under Style/Text/Copyright has no effect.


I would concur with Marc's post. It is not easy or obvious in MuseScore 2.0 how to enter the copyright symbol into the copyright text. I used (C) in the new score wizard (maybe I should have used (c) instead?) and it just came out as (C) in the text. I tried to edit it in File, Info, but there is no access to the special character palette there. I ended up doing as Marc says, creating a subtitle, putting the symbol in it, copying it to the clipboard and pasting it into the copyright text, and deleting the subtitle. Yes, I could have used Alt-0169 but I wasn't sure that would be the © symbol in the font MuseScore uses, and at the moment I didn't remember the number and didn't take the time to look it up. It would be much preferred if the special character palette could be accessible from within both the new score wizard and the File, Info dialog. Or at least make it possible to pop it up anytime and just copy a symbol from it into the clipboard for pasting in those dialogs. Or make it possible to edit the copyright text in place like any other text. Just my two cents worth.

The problem seems to be a keyboard one, not a musescore.
I use a French BÉPO keyboard whose C key third level delivers the © and it works in the info field

I run Linux Mint 17.1

Title Edit text of Copyright The obstacle course
Reported version 2.1  
Regression No
Workaround No

Thank you. I translate for the french people and add some extra information. Version 3 used.
To change the font of the copyright, you have to change the font of the "header" or "footer" in Formats > Style > Text Style > header or footer.

En français, pour éditer le contenu du copyright ou de tout autre "méta donnée" dans la version 3 de Musescore, vous allez dans Fichier > Propriétés de la partition
Pour en changer la police de caractère, il faut y accéder dans Format > Styles > Styles de texte > Pied de page (ou en-tête).

Voilà. Bon courage à tous.