How can I add lyrics to measures containing repeats?

• Sep 3, 2023 - 22:19

I am creating a drum scores. To help me keep my place in the song (and help when studying the score), I am adding lyrics. But the lyrics are not directly related to any drum note, as is usually the case in most songs.

I've already discovered that I can add lyrics to rests when the words align there. (Although that requires manual insertion after selecting each rest, since the rests are normally skipped when pressing space or ->.)

However, the score also contains repeated measures (%). I have tried several ways to add lyrics to the repeated measures:

  1. Adding the lyrics to the repeat symbol by selecting it and using ctrl-L. But nothing happened. (No error, just nothing.)
  2. Selecting the measure with the repeat itself and pressing ctrl-L, but I get a dialog saying I must choose a note or rest.
  3. Adding the lyrics to the last note before the repeat, but when I press space, it jumps to the first note of the next measure without a repeat mark.
  4. Using ctrl-space instead of space, but as I typed the words, the measure line was pushed away so that the lyrics never crossed it.

The only other thing I can think of is to use non-lyric text. But before I do that, I wanted to ask:
Is there is any way to add lyrics to measures with repeat symbols.?

(I do realize that the words will not have any alignment. And if the measure ends up being wide, the words will be clumped together, rather than spread out. That makes sense, since there are no notes to indicate how to space the words. And i realize the words will keep the measure from shrinking beyond the size needed to hold the words.)


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