MuseScore 4 Jump Start workshop - Saturday

• Sep 19, 2023 - 23:22

This Saturday - September 23 - I will be hosting a live online workshop entitled MuseScore 4 Jump Start. The workshop will take place from 11 AM - 3 PM Eastern time (3 - 7 PM UTC), and it will be recorded, so you can still take advantage of it even if you can't attend live.

MuseScore 4 Jump Start is intended primarily for newcomers to MuseScore and anyone who is having trouble figuring things out. But it's not just for beginners! We'll cover a lot in just half a day, and the workshop includes full access to my self-paced online course Mastering MuseScore 4, which covers virtually everything there is to know about MuseScore.

Click here for more information

BTW, I provide tons of other resources for learning MuseScore and music creation in general, many of them for free. I don't like to spam the forum here so I only post really big announcements like this one. If you'd like to receive my free weekly newsletter, just click here to subscribe.

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