Garritan Compatibility
I’m considering purchasing the Garritan Anthology instruments package; however, I use Musescore 4 as my notation software, and I don’t know if it will be compatible with that. I was able to download a free sample of a few Garritan instruments which I am able to use in MS4 through the application Sforzando… does anybody know if the full Garritan Anthology works in MS4?
With the updated Aria Player the Anthology will work.
In reply to With the updated Aria Player… by [DELETED] 135427
Ok, thanks– I had seen this thread already but the latest reply was December 2022, which I believe was before MS4 was fully released– does this apply to MS4 as well as MS3?
In reply to Ok, thanks– I had seen this… by Chapeau Canotier
It applies to MS4. MS3 has no VST-capability.
About the date of the official release - not counting previous nightly builds:
You find the announcement of MS4 on
Tantacrul • Dec 14, 2022 - 00:17