Problem with minor chords

• Oct 6, 2014 - 11:22
S4 - Minor
by design

GIT commit: 1efc609

When I try to writeminor chords like: "Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, etc.", MuseScore doesn't write the name of the chord, only the symbol minor like: "m".


Angel Enfedaque


Status (old) active needs info

Can't reproduce (neither with your 2.0 Beta 1 nor with a current nightly build). What are your settings in Style/Chord Symbols? What OS?
Do you have a special score showing that problem and can attach it here?
Had that score been imported (and from where/what) or created from scratch in 2.0?

Usually this means MuseScore has not been installed properly, so it cannot find its chord description files. This would happen in a self-build if you failed to do a "make install", for instance, or if downloading a Linux nightly build that is provided as an executable only rather than as a full install tree.

But only if using a chords file, which isn't the default setting in 2.0?
He's using 2.0 Beta 1, so unlikely to not be installed properly

You see that same error with any chord style, including the default. There is no Linux install package for the Beta, so I think incomplete install is almost definitely the answer.

Here you have the file.

It's a score from Musescore 1.3 re-edit in 2.0 Beta 1. Windows 7,

The chords line up are written with "Symbol Chords".
Some problems:
In"Am" and "FMaj7" appears "m" and "Maj7".
In "C", "G", "G/D" and "F/A", musescore writes all but... I close the document and re-open it and these chords are gone.
Other problem. I tried changing the color of these chords in the inspector but do not change. If I use "Text Style", the color change.

In the chords line down, I made a trap. I have written with "Staff text" 'cause I needed it for my classroom.

Note: I've created a new Score from 2.0 Beta 1 and no problems, only the color. In "Inspector" doesn't change in "Text Style", yes.


Attachment Size
Problem with chords.mscz 8.08 KB
Status (old) active by design

The problem with the file posted is that it uses an invalid chord description file - chords.xml is not meant to be used that way. It may happened to partially work in 1.3, but it was not intended to and actually does not work well at all - just slight better than in 2.0. So, go to Style / General / Chord Symbols and select a valiud chord symbol style then re-enter chords as necessary. Actually, in 2.0,m you shoudln't normally need to select a chord symbol at all - just switching betwene the "Standard" and "Jazz" radio buttons should do the trick for most situations.

Regarding color - yes, color set in Inspector appears to be ignored. That's a separate bug, worth filing. Should be an easy fix.