sending music out to choir

• Oct 25, 2023 - 16:16

I have a full PRO subscription and have re-written music for my choir.
I have told them that joining Musescore is free and have e-mailed them a new piece.
They have come back to say they have downloaded Musescore app but it will not
allow them to open the music unless they pay a subscription.
This is disappointing and I wonder if they have downloaded the incorrect app.


If you're talking about the mobils app (for Android resp. iOS), then yes, only the pro version can open local files.
But those mobile apps and the pro account are not being dealt with here on, only over on

Your choir members can however download and install the MuseScore Editor on their Windows, macOS opr Linux PC and open those files there

And you can share the score on, then your choir member could open them from there using the mobile apps. Also they could just view and play (and download) them there direcectly in a browser, no app needed, but, same as for the app, an online connection is needed

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