Unite double notes in tabulature

• Oct 26, 2023 - 19:32

In the attached, I have noted one same bar of a guitar tune, three times, in two linked staves, normal and TAB. Thumb is stems down, noted in 2nd voice, other fingers stems up, 1st voice. All notes are meant to be let ring, so the playing technique is supposed to be the same.

I prefer the last (third) writing because it has the most regular, calm and intuitve appearance (at least to me), and is also well-known in guitar literature. It avoids unnecessary breaks or slurs as in the first and second writings, which would disturb the flow of reading. As seen, it requires that some notes are noted twice, i.e., both in the 1st and 2nd voices. This writing applies to the low A and the middle f# in this example. Still, each of those notes is only played once, i.e., by the thumb in this case.

Problem is: When translating into tabulature, besides that some unplayable fingerings have to be corrected manually, the affected notes are translated into two separate fingerings on different strings, which seem impossible to unite to one string (the unwanted fingerings are marked in orange). Dragging the 9 on 5th string to the 3rd, or the 7 on 6th string to the 5th, or vice versa, would not work. Deleting the superfluous fingering obviously deletes the respective note in the 1st stave as well.

Questino is: Is there any option of uniting those double fingerings into one, in the TAB stave?

N.B.: I know it is possible to set the unwanted fingering to invisible. However, this setting gets lost when copying the bar and pasting to another place in the piece. The latter however seems to be a bug which also affects other properties when copied (yes, all selection filters on), and I might address in another posting. Anyhow, this workaround is not a preferable solution at present.

Attachment Size
Tabulature double notes.mscz 18.96 KB


"Question is: Is there any option of uniting those double fingerings into one, in the TAB stave?"

There is no such option. This is MuseScore's usual behavior with TABS... since the dawn of time! (well, since version 2 when TABS first appeared) :)
On what basis would you like to unit the double fingerings? What you prefer as fingerings on this or that piece will not be true for another user. And even in the same piece, you might want to display alternative fingerings (for pedagogical purposes, for example).
For the method: finish entering your score, then make your choice to hide what you want. One way to save you time is this (did you know about it?) For example, on your file, 9 is an unwanted string/fingering:
Right-click -> Select -> More -> Check "Same pitch", "Same string", "Same staff"/ Ok. Then type "V" for invisibility.
Repeat for 7 and others if necessary.
For the bug, I don't know what you're talking about. It's true that V4 has a lot of regressions, but could you elaborate and be more precise with a concrete example?

EDIT: " I know it is possible to set the unwanted fingering to invisible. However, this setting gets lost when copying the bar and pasting to another place in the piece."
Well, having taken a closer look, I can see that the copy-paste function is working properly (I don't remember, I work differently, with linked TABS and the method described above)
The hidden fingerings remain hidden in another place in the piece. What did I miss?


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