FUSE Required to Install AppImages" --How ??

• Oct 27, 2023 - 18:03

How do you install FUSE in a new Linux partition on a new Intel-Base Chromebook ??
In this case, it is a HP Chromebook ..

I got the Linux environment working and downloaded MuseScore Linux App image. Followed the YouTube tutorial for Install on a Chromebook OS and it started "install" great, but then ran into the
"AppImages require FUSE to run"

HELP (for a Windows and Apple User)

John .....


As the message says, to run Appimages you need to have FUSE installed in your system.

FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a system that lets non-root users mount filesystems, and Appimages need it to run.

How to install/setup FUSE in your system, depends on your linux distribution. You could ask for help on the forum for the distribution you're using. You could also check this documentation:

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