Set the metronome ticks

• Nov 2, 2023 - 06:42

I want the to change the metronome not to tick on every 8th note but 1/4 note. How do I do that?


In reply to by underquark

I have entered the search text in the handbook for metronome but there is no entry that I can find that show the user how to change the number of clicks for 6/8 time.

Have a look at

I am using MuseScore 4 (OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf)

and I get six clicks in playback.

See the attached version of O_Holy_Night.mscz


Attachment Size
O_Holy_Night.mscz 31.59 KB

As far as I know this is linked to the time signature. E.g. if you use a 3/4 signature, you get 3 ticks, if you use a 6/8 signature you get 6 ticks per measure.

If you want to have a different tick sequence, use an additional instrument, e.g. the wood block, and write your own tick sequence.

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