I can't remove this inserted eighth rest that I didn't add

• Nov 8, 2023 - 01:10

It appeared when I loaded the MusicXML file and I can't get rid of it. My file didn't have an inserted rest so I don't know why it showed up. I've tried everything I could so far to try and remove the rests.

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Screenshot 2023-11-07 191030.png 42.4 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

These are rests that MS has added automatically because it has misinterpreted the time signature of the measure, as indicated by the plus sign. It thinks the measure is in 9/8 so MS has inserted an eight rest at the end of the measure to fill out what it thinks is the missing beat.

Doing ctrl+del will not remove these. The time signature needs to be corrected by selecting that measure & going into Measure Properties to correct the Actual time signature to 4/4 & the rest will then disappear.

In reply to by tina c.

MS has likely not misinterpreted anything. The most likely scenario is that the user accidentally inserted an extra eighth beat by inadvertently pressing the key combination for Insert mode. [Ctrl][Del] will remove them and reset the bar to 4/4. If it didn't do this for you then please post a score and give precise steps that you took up until it doesn't work for you.

In reply to by underquark

My mistake, I should have said that it’s the Audiveris software (for converting from pdf) that does the misinterpretation of a measure’s time signature and inserts trailing rests, not MS. This something I deal with on a regular basis….. along with inserting rests after misinterpreted note values before the last note of the measure… even more of a pain.

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