Strange playback rhythm of chord symbols

• Nov 15, 2023 - 23:03

Hi, I have a problem with the rhythm of chord symbols not being played correctly in some places. I have deleted everything from my score except the problematic measures, to make a minimal example, which I have attached.

If I create a new score, and copy-paste it there, the problem goes away. Also attached.

This started as a MuseScore 1 file, which I opened, modified and saved with MuseScore 4. I don't know if that is important.

My MuseScore version is:

OS: Linux Mint 21.2, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf

Attachment Size
noproblem.mscz 14.94 KB
problem.mscz 15.14 KB


I don't see or hear a problem with problem.mscz and, except for a different tempo (80 vs. 120 BPM) and sound for the melody (piano vs. voice) no difference to noproblem.mscz

There is however a difference, and that indeed stems from Mu1: Format > Style > Chord symbols uses a custom chords.xml rather than Standard

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