Pin properties subpanels open
When I'm doing a lot of fine-tuning of positions or working with some different notations, I find I keep needing to reopen the Appearance subpanel of the Properties panel, or the Show More part of the note head properties. Is it worth my creating a feature request on GitHub for the ability to pin these open? In the case of the Appearance subpanel, it would need to become a part of the panel, rather than overlaying other controls, and in the case of the Show More area, it would need to remember its state when clicking away from a note head to something else then back to a note head. That probably makes this two different feature request issues, I guess.
If it helps, you can undock the properties panel and CTRL drag it somewhere else on the screen.
In reply to If it helps, you can undock… by bobjp
Sure, but that doesn't make the things inside it stay open.
In reply to Sure, but that doesn't make… by iainhallam
I'm trying to think how this might work.
I'm doing something with notehead A. But now the stem for note B is in the way. I finally get that fixed without touching notehead B. But I had to select note C to do it. I've run into this. How many things would have to stay open? Yes, it would be nice to be able to go back and have A still open. But it might involve many unexpected layers. Think about how to make that work.
In reply to I'm trying to think how this… by bobjp
Something like the attached - there are almost certainly better placements for the individual UI elements, but pinning the additional panels would put them into the vertical flow of the original panel.
I support your request. I don't understand why frequently used features are hidden behind the "more/show more" button, although there is enough space on my screen. It's just one extra click for every note or fingering or what ever. While e.g. the position of a fingering (above/below) is hidden behind "more", but used frequently to set fingerings, the font-properties are always visible while I never in my life changed the font-style for fingerings individually.