Input Notes using Solfège

• Nov 23, 2023 - 03:57

I'm a choir student who enjoys writing music, but I find the system of inputting notes on a traditional keyboard using letter names to be too confusing as my brain works in relative pitch. Would it be possible, using a plugin or otherwise, to define the pitch of a note using solfège keystrokes (D, R, M, F, S, L, T)?
I understand that this wouldn't work with non-diatonic melodies, but neither does typing out pitches. This would also really help with transposed instruments as the solfège should remain the same no matter the transposition of the instrument (although I'm aware that there is a toggle for concert pitch available, I just don't like using it as a clarinet player who's used to reading clarinet music in B♭.)
I've seen several other forum posts about changing noteheads to read in solfège but I'd be interested to see if anybody else has come up with something regarding note input in solfège!


I suppose you could re-define the shortcuts for note input to be solfege. Might be a problem with S. Checkout Edit>Preferences>Shortcuts.
As a clarinet player, you read music transposed for your instrument. You don't read it in Bb. There is a difference. If you think that way as a composer...well you can't. There are so many different transposing instruments.
FWIW, I input notes with the mouse. Exactly when and where I want them to go. I don't care if it is slower. I don't have to remember all those combinations.

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