Copy of an entire bar with a key changing within: not reported in the copy.

• Oct 7, 2014 - 23:26

The title describes enough.
The result is a very difficult score to read.
And bravo for that work. Really useful.


Sorry, but I don't really understand what you mean. Could you post a score that demonstrates the problem you are trying to describe, and give steps to reproduce that problem?

Changing key *within* a bar is not supported in MuseScore, nor does standard music notation normally allow for such a thing. So you can't create such a measure, and of course you can't copy a measure you can't create :-).

I needed to make a modulation shift inside a 4/4 bar, so I divided it into two 2/4 bars, the latter of which was designed the new key. And after that, 4/4 again. The genre is tango in this case so this seemed like the proper way to achieve want I wanted :-)

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