Articulations that affect note length ignore swing

• Dec 29, 2023 - 16:57

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34
Write two eighth notes at the start of a measure of 4/4
Open the pianoroll editor
You'll notice the two notes are very close to each other, with just the tiniest amount of pause between them, with both notes having equal length.
Apply staccato on first note
The first note will become circa 50% of its nominal length
Undo, apply legato on first note
The first note will become 100% of its nominal length, touching the next note
Undo, apply dash-dot
The first note will become ever so slightly shorter than default

Now add "Swing" text from the text palette onto the first note
(after some lag) the second eighth note will now start at 60% through the quarter note, and the first one will stop just shy of that, with the same default micropause as without swing
Apply legato to the first note
EXPECTED: the first note lengthens, reaching the second note
OBSERVED: the first note shortens, getting to the same length as an UNSWUNG legato eighth note.


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