
• Jan 3, 2024 - 18:08

How do I zoom in & out in Musescore 4.2?


In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

SUGGESTIONS for Continuous View of large scores.
The controls are good but the ZOOM ratio is not continuous: it consists of a series of steps --> 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 400, 800. This is too wide a step and, in fact, a continuous Zoom would be much easier to deal with when handling large scores which MS4 does not do as well as it should.

For large scores, we need:
1- Continuous Zoom under the mouse wheel. Settable zoom under the dropdown.
2 - "Where-was-I" Bookmarks to aid navigation.
3 - Default Zoom settings for opening Parts; or, zoom settings which are remembered; or, zoom settings for each part; or, option to match zoom of Main Score. Defaulting to maximum zoom as it does now is never a good choice.
4 - In note input mode: we need a better way to adjust the score in continuous view when the note input hits the right edge of the page and the page shifts forward. Suggest default shift percentages like - shift 75% of visible range, or 25%, etc. Alternatively default shift amounts in bars: Shift 1,2,3,..,5
5 - Whole Page or Page Height zoom settings do not work well for continous view. They could mean the same thing and show exactly the correct page height. The "Page Width" zoom setting is probably not useful in this continuous view.

Don - a fan and busy user.

In reply to by Don Van Wyck

1 - Zooming with Ctrl+mouse wheel does not zoom continuously, but also does not zoom in the large jumps you described. Instead it jumps about 10%: 100, 90, 81, 73 or 100, 112, 125. Not continuous, but quite workable in most situations.
2 - Click on a note/rest. As long as you don't click on another, simply press Right or Left to move the cursor to the previous or next note ... and jump the display to that note. Again, definitely not the BEST resolution, but better than nothing.
3 - I've never seen it default to "maximum zoom". (I don't know what you mean by that, but I would interpret that as either 25% or 400%.) It defaults to 100% which is certainly a workable default in any situation.
4 - I have no idea what you are talking about here. Regardless of the view, when you are entering notes, the measure you are about to enter in is displayed, in the current zoom level. If that moves the previous measure out of sight and you want to see it, simply press Right to move the cursor to the previous note, which is in the previous measure.
5 - Of course "Page Width" zoom isn't useful for "Continuous view (horizontal)". So don't select it. Equally, "Page Height" isn't useful for "Continuous view (vertical)". ... So don't select it. It would be beyond ridiculous to bother with changing that list based on the current view. There are MUCH more important things for the developers to be concerned about.

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