How to adjust Portamento Playback that is automatically added by Muse Sounds

• Jan 4, 2024 - 16:02

This question is about how to eliminate or reduce the portamento that Muse Sounds is adding during the playback of certain instruments. For example, when notating a violin to play a quarter note C4 to a quarter E4, a portamento is added to the sound. How do I eliminate this from occurring or at the least reduce the amount or frequency of these portamentos. All of the instructions that I have seen about portamento are about how to adjust the playback of the sound when it has been specifically notated in the score and they do not address how to adjust what the program is adding "on its own" during playback.


Basically, you can't. All you can do is not use solo 1 instruments. Solo 1 is more expressive than solo2. Same with sections. It is not about desks.

I know this is a year late but I ran into the same problem and found a workaround. Put accents on every note then make the accsents invisible with "V". I found this on a similar post, someone said that it wasn't worth writing down work arounds like the one I just wrote because they'll surely fix it soon... that was in 2022 and it's still a problem. Hopefully this is helpful for you or if not then anyone else who is reading this and has the same problem.

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