Slash Notation not changing note heads

• Jan 26, 2024 - 16:14

As I just updated to version 4.2.1, I tried to toggle slash notation on several staves. While the function still centers notes in the middle of a staff, it no longer appears to update the note heads to slashes, which I now have to do manually. Is there a new setting to toggle whether this is automatic, or is it just a bug from this update?

Attachment Size
Before Toggle.png 9.02 KB
After Toggle.png 8.8 KB


There was a bug reported recently involving a glitch that happens when turning rhythmic slash notation off and then back on again, only in scores that have parts - is this what you mean? See There is a pending fix, but meanwhile, the workaround is to reset the notehead manually. It might also work to generate an addition part for that same instrument, oran addition linked but invisible staff - I suspect that if there are an odd number of linked copies it will work out right.

If you need help sorting this out, please attach your actual score and say exactly where the problem is occurring and then we can assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

From what I have dealt with, the problem seems similar, but not exactly the same, in that the notes do still get centered in the middle of the staff and function as slash notation (ie no note playback), but the note heads still remain and do not convert to slash heads

In reply to by Jamt2

Can confirm, it happened to me as well, but in 4.2 already. Once I also somehow managed to get them to swap - I had, in the same bar, one note with slash head, no centering, and marked to play, and one with normal head, centering, and marked not to play. And using the toggle slash notation tool would switch them around. I think I achieved that by reapplying the toggle to only part of the measure, probably because it had successfully changed the notehead of one note but not the other, so I tried again but only on the part that bugged out?

In reply to by Nicola Rulli

Again, it would help if you would attach your score and give precise instructions to reproduce the problem as you are seeing it. A fix for the origina problem has already been created, and we;’d love to test to see if it fixes the problems you are experiencing as well. I suspect it will - the actual slash notation code hasn’t changed, it is the property linking system that changed, and that’s where the fix is. Should address any similar issues, but we won’t know until we can reproduce your cases in 4.2.1 and see if the fix addresses those.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I thought about it more, and I think what happened to me is simply a combination of the above mentioned bug (creating parts makes toggle not work correctly anymore) + me mistakenly applying the toggle first to only part of the measure then to the whole measure, and manually changing the heads to slashes in separate instances, leading to them being consistently eachother's opposite. I probably simply got confused because it was one of my first times encountering the bug, and in my attempt to fix it I created an even more confusing scenario.

Anyway, the reason for the different symptoms between the issue you linked and the one described by OP does seem to be a matter of different order of operations.

  1. create score with one instrument in 4.2 or 4.2.1
  2. write the same phrase twice
  3. turn the second phrase into rhythmic slash notation. It will function normally (noteheads, placement, play marking are all affected)
  4. create part for that instrument
  5. go back to main score
  6. toggle rhythmic slash notation on both phrases
  7. you will observe that the placement and play marking will behave as expected, whereas the noteheads will remain as they currently are (first phrase as regular, second as slashes)
  8. toggle rhythmic slash notation again
  9. you will observe that the toggle will now affect all three parameters again, and will keep doing os upon subsequent uses, leading the noteheads to be permanently out of sync with the placement and play marking
  10. manually fix the noteheads, putting slashes on the "slash notation" half, and regular heads on the "regular" half
  11. use the toggle again
  12. you will observe that, as in point 7, and UNLIKE in point 9, the toggle will only affect placement and play marking, going indefinitely out of sync again.
  13. using the toggle again will get you back into the loop of point 9.

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