File crashed and do not open anymore

• Jan 27, 2024 - 12:48

Hi !

I was working and suddenly musescore 4.0 crashed. Nothing new until here, I go to open again the file but it crashes right away, before the software can finish the opening phase.
I can open other files, is just this one
I reset the factory settings, it didn't change anything
I downloaded the new version 4.2.1 but its still do not open this file and crashes
I'm working on a macbookpro 16" i9 from 2019 / macos 14.2.1
Here is the file, if someone can help me please, its so damn much time I put into this..

Thank you :)

Attachment Size
Systèmes Sextolet V3.mscz 44.64 KB


I opened it with MuS 3.7 without any problems.
But I'm not sure if it helps, because it contains a lot of extra stuff that might be specific to MuS 4 and might be ignored in MuS 3.7.
Maybe it will save you a lot of work anyway.

Attachment Size
Systèmes Sextolet V3_3.7.mscz 33.68 KB

In reply to by mercuree

ooh !! thank you very much. In a previous version of this I was testing notehead schemes, to finaly decide not to use it, but at the very beginning, its odd that the bug manifested nearly the end of my score

Can you tell me how do you fixe it ? how can I became independent with this kind of bugs ?

Thank you again :)

In reply to by Adrian Delli C…

You may know that the mscz file is a zipped file. If you open it with a zip tool, you will find a file with the extension mscx, which contains the score in uncompressed form and can be changed with a text editor.
But how @mercuree came up with the wrong line with the "noteheadScheme" tag, I don't know either.
It is not easy to find errors in such files, but if you know the syntax and the effect of the tags, it can be very useful.

In reply to by Adrian Delli C…

This is definitely a bug of Musescore and not only for your version (MS 4.1.1), latest nightly build also crashes. I will report this bug to Musescore team, but I still can't reproduce the state. This crash was caused by an empty noteheadScheme tag. In your file it was <noteheadScheme></noteheadScheme> instead of <noteheadScheme>auto</noteheadScheme> (auto just for example).
So the question is how you changed notehead to that empty value.
Maybe it was Undo action after setting notehead value. Maybe something else...

In reply to by mercuree

And just to add.
I unzipped the mscz file. The mscx file did not open either. Then I manually changed the mscx back to mscz. That tried to open, but gave the "Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0" error.
No idea what that means. Though I'm sort of interested.

In reply to by bobjp

I unzipped the mscz file. The mscx file did not open either.

Then I manually changed the mscx back to mscz. That tried to open, but gave the "Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0" error.
If you just rename mscx to mscz, it can show such error, but such renaming doesn't make any sense.
Making new zip archive from those files works as expected - it starts to crash as before.

In reply to by bobjp

This is absolutely fine and expected behavior. When you rename mscx file to mscz, Musescore treats it as a zip archive, but it's not. No zip binary structure, no zip headers. It's still mscx plain text file with xml tags. Musescore tries to unpack it and read, but can't do that and all that happens before any crash can occur, so the error you see is absolutely appropriate and expected.

In reply to by bobjp

"XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13" seems to be reported for different errors and is therefore not very meaningful.
The contained mscx file can normally be opened with MuseScore, but here the error in the tag "noteheadScheme" was the cause that the mscx file could not be opened either. Only after the correction by @mercuree was it possible.
As mentioned, the mscz file is actually a zip file, while the mscx file is a plain text file. This saves a lot of space in terms of file size. However, both can be opened with MuseScore; MuseScore recognizes by the different file extension whether it can be opened directly or whether it has to unzip it first.

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