MusesScore 4 crashing when loading a specific score Linux [FIXED: use AppImage rather than Flatpack]

• Mar 12, 2024 - 08:16

Solution: I was using the flathub release of MuseScore, downloading the AppImage from the website fixed the issue.

Recently I've been working on a score and sometimes MusesScore crashes on different occasions, for instance:
- when copying and pasting multiple bars
- when opening that specific score, other files open fine
- on some occasions the app crashes at the splash screen

I'm running MuseScore version 4.2.1 (fedora flathub version) on Fedora Linux (version 39). I have also attached the score file I'm working on bellow, perhaps there is something corrupted in the file that is causing the app to crash. I've tried extracting the .mscz archive and opening the .mscx file but the app still crashes, not allowing me to see any details about what caused it to crash. I also tried following these instruction but it didn't work:

Thanks in advance.

Attachment Size
Scared To Be Lonely.mscz 55.69 KB


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