Lead Sheets

• May 2, 2024 - 09:06

I am transcribing handwritten lead sheets for songs I wrote starting in the mid 70's. My goal is to put together a catalogue with lead sheets, piano scores and photos for the past 50 years. Right now I'm entering the lyrics for a song I wrote in 81. Often the melody line is a little different in each verse. I typed in the melody line from the first verse. All of the stems go up because that is where they naturally fall in most cases. On the original, handwritten, copy I hand drew smaller notes, ,stems going down to show where the melody differed in that measure. Without those notes it is difficult putting in the lyrics because the notes and timing are wrong. Is there any way to put in notes like this? It also sometimes forced me to put two words in one lyric box which is a little hard to read because you can't put in a space or it goes to the next word. Any help would be appreciated.

Attachment Size
What Its Like To Be Alone.mscz 35.14 KB


> because you can't put in a space
You can enter a space without going to the next note by pressing Ctrl+Space.
The same works with a hyphen and underscore: Ctrl+'-' or Ctrl+'_' produces a special hyphen/underscore without separation. This means that spaces, hyphens and underscores are treated as normal letters.

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