Starting bar numbering from a number other than 1

• May 15, 2024 - 02:48

I know this has already been covered by other people from a quick google search, but it was last updated 5 years ago, so it no longer works. I'm just going to copy and paste the same question and hope I get a more updated response :) :

I assume that this currently is not possible as I cannot find a way to do it, but it would be handy. As an example I wish to remove the long piano intro on a piece for the singers for training purposes but this means all the bar/measure numbers have changed from the original score.

In the particular case I am thinking about I would like to be able to start bar numbering from 12 instead of 1 and then the numbers would be correct against the original.


It's my impression that it's been the same method for a long time, but I don't know for sure.

In MuS 4, right-click in the measure (be sure not to right-click on a note or a rest or text or articulation mark; right-click on blank space within the measure). From the context menu, click Measure properties. (I've been told that it's labeled Bar properties in the UK version?) This will bring up the dialog below:

20240515 015147-Measure properties.png

In the Other section near the bottom are the settings you want.+

  • The checkbox to Exclude from measure count is primarily used to not count pick-up measures and similar. But you can also use it to not count measures at the beginning or in the middle that you are using for placeholders and the like.
  • Measure number mode sets how the measure numbers will appear.
  • And Add to measure number allows you to set the current measure (the one you right-clicked in) to be some particular number. For example, if it were the first measure and you wanted it to be numbered "12", set this to "11". Or, if it were the fifth measure and you wanted it numbered "1", set it to "-4".

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