Chromatic Harmonica

• Oct 11, 2014 - 23:53

I'm going to make my first score and need to define a set of instruments. The chromatic harmonica, my instrument, is not a choice so I need to select something similar, I suppose. Any suggestions on what to select? Thanks in advance!


If you are using 1.3, easiest is to use Melodica (found under Keyboard), which uses the harmonica sound anyhow. Then you can right click the staff name and change it to Harmonica (or delete it).

In 2.0 Beta/Nightly builds, harmonica is already listed as an option.

Which version of MuseScore are you using?

The new Musescore 2.0 beta 1 release has a range of chromatic harmonicas available if you open All Instruments in the Instrument Selector.

For 1.3 Marc's advice is best as for some strange reason no-one defined a Harmonica in the instrument list!

If you choose to try the beta version remember that you will not be able to load a score saved with it back into 1.3. You may also discover one or more bugs which you should report in the Technology Preview forum should you come across them.

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