5:3 in musescore

• Jun 1, 2024 - 16:46

How to put this 5:3 tuplet in 4/4 time signature in musescore??

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  1. Press "N" to activate note entry mode.
  2. Press "4" to set the duration to eighth note.
  3. Press "F", then Shift+"A" to enter the chord on beat one.

The 5:3 tuplets are placing five notes in place of three 16th notes, so ...

  1. Press "4", "." to set the duration to dotted eighth note (i.e., three sixteenth notes).
  2. Click Add / Tuplets / Other.
  3. On the Create Tuplets dialog under Type, set the Ratio to "5/3". Set the Number and Bracket as you want them to display. To match your example, choose "Ratio" and "None". Then click OK.
  4. Enter the notes into the first tuplet: "F", "E", Ctrl+Up arrow, "C", "E", "C".
  5. Repeat steps 4-7 for the second 5:3 tuplet.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to do the "half note" looking thing at the beginning of each tuplet. (Since it appears to be taking up the duration of a dotted eighth note.) I had thought that I could select it from the Properties tab / Note / Head / Notehead type list, but a hollow head (like a half note) is not an option there. Hopefully, someone else can offer advice there?

a pair of 5-stroke (or one 10-stroke) paradiddle rolls :-) drumming is cool that way with many rudiments of odd number of strokes so you can come out cleanly onto the next note.

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