Error when importing XML files exported with GVox Encore 5.0.2 which include "dotted" rests

• Jun 4, 2024 - 15:34


I am trying to convert some old musical GVox Encore 5.0.2 scores to MuseScore. The procedure is simple:
- Export to XML with GVox Encore 5.0.2
- Import with MuseScore

I have found that this works more or less but I always get an error with there is a dotted rest in the Score. Example follows:
- GVox_Encore_Score.png is a screenshot of a simple score in GVox Encore
- simple tests.xml is the file exported with GVox Encore
- MuseScore import Error.png is a screenshot of the MuseScore error when importing the file.
- MuseScore import with errors Score.png is a screenshot of the Score within MuseScore if I choose to load the file anyway. As it can be seen the dotted rest has been wrongly imported

I have added a second example with a even simpler score which does not generate any import warning within MuseScore. However the Score is wrongly imported:
- GVox_Encore_Score_test2.png: score within GVox Score
- second test.xml: XML score exported by GVox Score
- MuseScore imported file test2.png: imported score with MuseScore which shows that the dotted rest has been wrongly imported

I don't know if the problem is related to a GVox Encore bug or a MuseScore bug when importing the file, but these errors happen when there is a dotted rest in the score. It has been happening at least with every MuseScore version from 2023 July. Could anyone please let me know if this a MuseScore bug (and I should open it) or MuseScore is doing well and the problem is with GVox Encore ???

Thanks in advance


For both test files the issue is caused by GVox: the dotted rests are exported without a "dot" element (the normal dotted notes do have a "dot").

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