Can't open/read files

• Jun 6, 2024 - 18:07

Hoping someone can help me. I recently installed the latest version of Musescore Studio ( on my Macbook (OS 14.5). I can no longer open many of my files. I get the error msg: “This file could not be opened. Please make sure Musescore Studio has permission to read the file.” When I open Finder and right-click on the file to Get Info, it shows the file has read & write permission. there doesn’t seem to be any connection to how old the file is -- I can open some very old scores, but not some recent one (i.e., from last year). I don’t exactly which version of Musescore they would have been created in, but I try to keep the versions up to date.

I tried to upload a file as an example, but neither Choose a file or drag and drop worked.


If you couldn’t attach a file here, that’s a pretty good sign that your browser is also having trouble access this files, and that the problem is somewhere with your drive or with your OS, not with MuseScore. Unfortunately, I have no macOS experience to guide you in suggesting what else to try - just that this seems the most promising avenue to explore.

You wrote:
When I open Finder and right-click on the file to Get Info, it shows the file has read & write permission.

Can you either copy or move the file into a different folder, or to the desktop, and then open/read it?

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