App for better playback?

• Jun 18, 2024 - 00:00

Hello there, I hope you're having a great day!
Musescore is great. Musescore 4 is also great (although it has a long way to go), but Musescore's main focus is notation, not playback. And even though they have added VST support, it has been nothing but terrible until now. Not to mention the basically MISSING support for playback control.
In Musescore 3 (even though it wasn't ideal) you could use dynamic controls on each stave and hide them if necessary, so you can control how the playback sounds.
Is there any app that can let me import a file (MusicXML or Midi or whatever) that lets me relatively easily control how each note is played, but also has great VST support and quality? I would be using that app mainly for exporting sound.
Have a great day!
With regards
Alvin R. S.

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