Please forward to staff—unable to log in

• Jun 28, 2024 - 18:14

I am unable to log into my account to tell them, so I thought I’d at least try here. I know this is generally not the right place.
I logged out of my account, and am unable to log back in. This only happens when randomly decides to use cloudflare instead of ReCaptcha.
I try to log in:
It takes me to the main login page after I click “log in”.
This continues to happen every time I click “log in”.


Another note: using a new browsing profile I am also unable to log in to This is a big issue.
Will try on another computer soon.
If it matters, now is an ugly shade of purple and white 😩😩😩

In reply to by Asher S.

I have had this problem before after multiple failed login attempts. Have you been logging off and logging in repeatedly? If you are sure that those are your correct credentials, waiting is the only thing that worked.

Also, you might want to try logging in directly from the login page.

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