Can't find Measure numbers in Format --> Styles-->

• Jun 30, 2024 - 15:47

Printed out many long scores for my choir. Belatedly added a few bars of piano intro after. Want to get the score to ignore these new bars and start the measure numbering from the original start.

I understand this can be adjusted in Format--> Styles--> Measure numbers...

Except my (updated today) version seems to have no Measure numbers at all?

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It seems that MU4 shows measure numbers starting the second staff of the score.

In your case, select the first measure of the top staff of the measures you have added. Right click and select Measure Properties, and check Exclude from measure count. You have to do this for each measure in the top staff that you wish to exclude. Then the measure count will start at your original first measure.

Too bad we can't range select and do this. That doesn't seem to work.

Bar in the UK is called Measure in the US.
Change your language setting if you want Measure instead of Bar in your settings.
A section break will reset the measure counter.

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