Accidental appearing on trill for no reason

• Jul 3, 2024 - 19:06

On this E half sharp, it should be a trill to F as the key signature reflects F minor, but the trill has an accidental above.
If I go into settings of the trill and change the accidental to always show accidental and then to show any alteration, it removes it but when I save, close and reopen, the accidental is back! How can I fix this so that it does not show up?

Attachment Size
Accidental.PNG 10.3 KB


Two questions: 1) how do you get the quarter sharp to be above the trill and not be the same size as the quarter sharp in front of the E, and 2) does this actually play? I mean, assuming it's for a string instrument as the down bow suggests, do you actually hear the quarter tones in playback? I ask because I've never heard of Musescore being able to play these things. It would be fun to experiment but from the example you provided (without the score) it seems like it won't work.

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

It's not a quarter sharp: it's a normal sharp sign. (Look at the screenshot again.) This is a standard notation symbol to indicate which way the trill is going. There may be a setting to toggle it on or off? (But if so, I've never found it!)

However, I'm not sure, but I believe that OP is upset that it's trilling the WRONG direction? Or that it's trilling the right direction but has the wrong accidental above?

In reply to by TheHutch

I don't know exactly what you want. Because, for example, the sharp on the main note (E half note) wasn't necessary, since the grace note already is. And it would have taken a little more context to understand the meaning of E# in this F minor key signature.
But you should know that, new in V4, you can choose in the Properties the qualification of the interval, second, third, fourth (etc), whether major, minor, augmented or diminished.
Depending on the desired result, try "Auto", for example?


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