Accidentals: turn off the default

• Jul 7, 2024 - 14:27

V4 by default "turns off" an accidental within a measure. My question is how to stop this behavior.

Example. If I place a sharp accidental on, say, an A and the beginning of a measure, Musescore automatically puts a natural marker on the next A in the measure. And if I delete the natural mark on the second A, Musescore affixes another natural on the third A. And so forth.

After much searching I haven't been able to discover a way to turn this off. Not sure why it is the default in the first place, since the convention is that an accidental holds through the measure. thanks in advance! Malcolm


That's just how music works, an accudental is valid until the end of the measure
If you enter the notes left to right and start with an A#, the next A will be an A# sharp too
Only if you enter several As, then change the 1st A to an A#, you see what you describe

Presumably, you have a measure where the key signature does not specify that A is sharp. In that measure you have entered a bunch of A's; they do not have a sharp sign on them.

It's important to realize that these notes are all A natural; that's how you entered them!

Now you select the first A and put a sharp on it. It is marked correctly with the sharp accidental. Remember, however, that the rest of the A's are still A naturals. That's how you entered them! So, to display this correctly, MuseScore puts a natural on the second (still, correctly, A natural), which carries through the rest of the measure. Because they are all Natural. If you want to have the sharp sign at the beginning and no natural sign, you must sharp each of them. Making the first one sharp does not sharp all of them: the rest remain A naturals.

You can do as you did: Sharp the first (and the second gets a natural sign), then sharp the second (and the natural sign moves to the third), etc. Alternatively, you could select all the A's in that measure (or in any range of measures) and sharp all of them simultaneously by pressing the Up arrow.

If you had entered them originally by adding an A sharp at the beginning, all the subsequent A's would have been added as A#'s and you would have seen what you had intended. Once the notes are entered, they will not change (due to key signatures or an accidental earlier in the measure) unless you change them explicitly.

This is simply the way that MuseScore works.

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