Playback: score panning not what's being played

• Jul 13, 2024 - 18:07

The attached is for a sax quartet (I find it easier to work first using keyboards).

During playback: highlighting all four parts at a particular measure, or even single part, the playback seems to be from where I last played back, even though the visual score panning starts from where I highlighted (i.e., the panned cursor line isn't what's playing).

Then today, MuSc 4.3.2 (Win 10) started always playing from the top rather than the highlighted/selected measure(s).

Another playback issue (maybe should be posted separately, but related to where playback starts), is that changing the playback speed also seems to change an invisible cursor that determines where playback starts. For example, I highlight a measure, playback at tempo, press STOP, adjust (decrease) playback speed, and with the same measure still highlighted pressing PLAY starts playing at a different (previous) measure.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. It gets really annoying when you can't get what's highlighted to play.



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