Castilian Dulzaina Soundfont: Bank and program number rules

• Jul 19, 2024 - 09:16


My name is Pedro Acebes and I am a spanish amateur music player. I play a popular folk instrument whose name is Dulzaina ( or More specifically, Castilian Dulzaina. Some examples:
- Playing popular songs:
- Playing Bach melodies:

I am working on a Soundfont for this instrument. I already have a preliminary version (See attached Castilian Dulzaina I will improve this version with a more professional recording and debugging of the sounds in the coming weeks.

I have also patched a MuseScore 4.4.0 prerelease to include this new instrument (see attached (CastilianDulzainaPatch.diff). The changes to any version (once approved by MuseScore team) should be really easy.

I would very much like to get an answer to some questions I have:

==> First. As you can see I have chosen the Bank 11 and program 1 for this instrument. I have chosen this Bank because it was free. I would appreciate if someone could give me a better proposal or any information about the rules choosing a bank and program for a new instrument

==> Second. I would also like to know who should I speak to in order to have the authorization to create a pull request and which additional information or documentation is necessary

Thanks in advance

Attachment Size 2.03 KB
Castilian Dulzaina 466.01 KB


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