Guitar tabs to traditional notation in atonal music, with regards to accidentals

• Jul 24, 2024 - 22:51

Hello, I am a total novice to sheet music. I am, however, in a band that is creating a book of tabs and sheet music to sell. Tabs are easy as I play guitar. However, I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing when it comes to pasting them into traditional notation. The music is pretty much 100% atonal (it is extreme metal) or modulates so much that key signatures would be more of a nuisance than assist in reading. My question is therein - does MuseScore (4) automatically use the fewest amount of accidentals when pasting tabs into notation? I'd assume so, but further, does MuseScore automatically use sharps for ascending chromatic runs and flats vice versa (so I have read this is generally the best practice)? If not, does there exist an easy way to select groups of notes / measures and have them prefer sharps / flats rather than going to each individual note and respelling them?

Thank you for your help.


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