MU 4 MIDI Export - Track Names No Longer Part Names??

• Jul 28, 2024 - 23:44

It appears that MS-4.x changed how it exports MIDI such that instead of the Track Name metamessage containing the Part Name it now contains the Instrument Name. This presents a problem for me.

Now I've got MIDI files that show, say, guitar, guitar, guitar...for each track where what I really need is for them to show, e.g., "melody," "counter-melody," "baritone," "bass," etc.

I've looked for a setting to see if I could get the MU 3.x behaviour, but couldn't see anything.

Anyone know of a setting I'm missing somewhere? Or otherwise how to get the tracks names exported as the part names?


In reply to by ZP-ZPanda

Yeah, I'm going to say there is definitely a bug there.

When I import an MS3 score into MS4 that has 4 parts in it, each with part name defined as 'Melody, 'Melody w/Filler, 'Baritone,' and 'Bass' those part names come across into MS4, and are displayed in the 'Parts' popup. And if immediately do an export to MIDI all will be well - each track will have the part names I gave them in MS3:

From a Python Script I am Working On, Track Names of Exported MIDI:
       Track-0 (ch-0 key-D): Melody (SMN)................Keep
        Track-1 (ch-1 key-D): Melody w/Filler (SMN).......Keep
        Track-2 (ch-2 key-D): Baritone (SMN)..............Keep
        Track-3 (ch-3 key-D): Bass (SMN)..................Keep

If I then rename a part in MS4, in the 'Parts' popup, from then on the MIDI track name will be the instrument name. Yet the parts that I didn't rename will still use the original MS3 part name for the exported track name:

Track Names in MIDI after changing the part's name to 'Melody (SMN) Renamed' in the Parts popup:
       Track-0 (ch-0 key-D): Acoustic Guitar (steel).....Keep
        Track-1 (ch-1 key-D): Melody w/Filler (SMN).......Keep
        Track-2 (ch-2 key-D): Baritone (SMN)..............Keep
        Track-3 (ch-3 key-D): Bass (SMN)..................Keep

So, yeah, something isn't right.

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