Mixer not showing completely in MacOS Sonoma 14.6

• Aug 1, 2024 - 16:46

While in Windows 10 the Mixer can be stretched to the complete screen, in the new update MacOS Sonoma 14.6 the Mixer has a limited height and you have to scroll to see the top or bottom......
I suppose that needs to be fixed.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 17.42.10.png 115.09 KB


Just checking. You did try stretching both the top and the bottom.
While nice, do you need the volume readout? What is in all the other things you have visible?

In reply to by bobjp

The bottom Is stretchable, but the top gives only the 'cross' to move the Mixer around.
Yes, I need the volume read out, but even if I hide it the mixer is normal again for as long as I don't touch the bottom strecher , because when I do, I see the instrument name only half (see image) and after some wiggling the lower stretcher it's sometime normal again.
I need the height for the 4 effects in the master track to begin with, and later also in the instrument tracks for fine tuning.
So I can live with it for the time being, but it's certainly something to fix.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 21.46.41.png 116.83 KB

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