Tremolo on different instruments

• Aug 1, 2024 - 18:42

How should the string part be played?

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tremolo_test.mscz 18.1 KB


In reply to by bobjp

Ok, but the violin part is not being performed as three eighth notes. It's being performed as a straight up tremolo of 32nd notes. Hence this post in Support and Bug Reports.

UPDATE: Confirmed this plays correctly in version 3.6.2 but not in 4.3.2

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630831, revision: 22b46f2

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

Think about it. You have single flute and horn. And a violin section. When I change the violins to a single violin, it plays like the flute and horn.
Plus, technically, only bowed string instruments can perform tremolo.
What is it that you are trying to write?

In reply to by bobjp

OK....whenever you see a slash or slashes through the stem, that's a measured tremolo. The violin section should play exactly what the violin solo plays. If however you see a note with three or more slashes and/or the word "tremolo" or "trem", then it's an unmeasured tremolo. This is the effect that is not desireable since I did not specify by placing the word "tremolo" above the note. A dotted eighth note with one slash is played as three eighth notes, period. We can't have two different play styles depending on if it's a solo instrument or tutti. It's just not playing this correctly. Maybe I should have posted this in "Feature Request".

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

Sorry, it's still not clear to me what you were originally trying to do.
This is in muse basic. Which Violins sound did you specify? There are a few. Did you try different ones? Some of them work better than others. Besides, This is a font that was designed to work in MU3. I don't expect good results in MU4. That plus the fact that many of the sounds aren't that great are the reason I stay away from them. Muse Sounds aren't perfect either

In reply to by bobjp

Refer to the image. You said it yourself: the dotted quater with a slash is shorthand for three eighth notes. The way it's performed by the flute and horn is the same way the violin section should perform it, and it's the same way a solo violin should perform it. In Musescore 3.6.2, the violin section plays this passage as intended. In Musescore 4.3.2, it doesn't work. Something is wrong.

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

Again, what violin sound did MU3 load? Did you look? And did that same sound load into MU4? No way to know because we can't tell.
Doesn't make any difference, actually. When you go into the mixer in MU4 and select any of the Basic violins sounds, the measure plays as you want. I just did it with 6 different sounds. Next you will say that MU$ should have loaded the correct sound. But we don't know what it loaded. Right or wrong. I run into this kind of thing all the time switching scores between different programs. Which is basically what you are doing.

In reply to by bobjp

Yes I get it, you can specify a patch. Other patches, like "Violins Fast" or "Violins Slow" work OK. But if you start a new composition, select the Violins Section, you'll see that the top of the control strip says "MS Basic" while the bottom says "Violins". Musescore seems to be combining patches by default. It will play three eighth notes OK, but then revert to a tremolo sound when the dotted quarter with the slash in the stem is encountered. This is what I am reporting. I know how to change the patch so that this doesn't happen, but if I have to try out ideas I don't want to have to do this all the time. The Soundfonts menu in the Mixer is too cumbersome. The default violins section soundfont is flaky. No other instrument does this in MU4, and no instruments do that at all in MU3. It's ridiculous to hunt down soundfonts in the mixer just to try out a few notes.

So this is what it is. Time for the Programming Boys™ to do their work.

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

I'm not saying there isn't a problem. I'm not saying something doesn't need to be fixed.

So I did what I asked you to do. I dragged out an old computer that still has MU3 on it. I created a Violins score. The default sound is Violins Fast Expr. That sound does not exist in Muse Basic. Not in the list. If you have one of the old General HQ fonts in MU4, you will see that in the list. But if you select it in the mixer there will be no sound in the score. That's because Expr sounds don't work in MU4. At least the programming boys did something to get some kind of sound happening,
I don't expect two different programs with two different fonts, to be completely compatible. So I do have to take the time to figure out what I have to do to get the results I want. Or I could just use one of them.

In reply to by bobjp

That's all very well, but it doesn't address the issue. Yes, I did try this on MU3. It works fine in MU3 regardless of the soundfont used. Same as MU4. Once you select a soundfont in MU4, it works fine.
The problem is when you start a new score in MU4.
Steps to reproduce on MU4:


This is the default soundfont that causes the problem. "Violins" does not exist in MS Basic. It's some kind of default hybrid soundfont.

To correct it, select a soundfont that does exist:

Now Mixer correctly reflects the selection, and the example plays as written.

Now the only question remains: Why is there a timpani and Harp in the Strings section?

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In reply to by bobjp

It was frustrating at first but not anymore. I have workarounds, and some workarounds are more of a pain than others. But they should look into into because it's probably not a good idea to have a phantom unknown and unpredictable soundfont as a default. Because of this, Fast, Slow, and any other soundfont is better than the default "Violins" and are definitely useful and needed. Otherwise the Programming Boys™ would have simply deleted them from the list. Thanks anyway for your help.

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