ties across repeats don't work?

• Aug 3, 2024 - 01:10

I can't seem to get the program to draw a tie across a repeat (version
- If I add a tie from a note that should tie into the same note in both endings, the tie only is drawn into the first ending.
- If I try to tie from the end of a repeated section to the same note in the first bar of the repeated second it, nothing happens.

If ties doesn't know about repeats, I would consider that a bug.


This could be deemed a limitation but I also consider it to be a bug.
At least solution 2 in the "HowTo" workaround (linked above) is simple.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Now that I know it's not just me, yes it's a bug. The tie code needs to be aware that measures follow through multiple endings and repeats.
The "How to create ties leading into a 2nd ending" page works for my first scenario, but not for "tie from the end of a repeated section to the same note in the first bar of the repeated section". As you say, #2 is simple though I don't like adding an extra measure to the endings for that reason.

In reply to by calebbaixo

A bug? This would mean that the feature had been implemented and would no longer work. But that's not the case - there's never been such a feature. So it's not even a limitation, it's just not there. The problem must be a complex one, I suppose. Incidentally, I think I read recently that Finale, too, is not capable of doing this. I don't know about other software.

In reply to by cadiz1

In programming terms it's obviously not a bug, (i.e. a programming error), but it's certainly a limitation in the algorithm design for a situation which is so simple for humans to play correctly. I guess that it's not high enough priority to justify the effort in getting it right.

Typos, oops. The second point should read:
If I try to tie from the end of a repeated section to the same note in the first bar of the repeated section, nothing happens.

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