MAC OS Somona with MuseScore 4

• Aug 11, 2024 - 19:29

Sameone was able to install Musescore using MAC OS Sonoma?
When I try to do it all time I receive a reply that I need to change software to MAC OS Rosetta (old software compare to Sonoma).


> MAC OS Rosetta (old software compare to Sonoma).

This is a misunderstanding. Rosetta is not a macOS version. Rosetta is a part of all recent macOS versions (since 11.0), that can be installed separately. Its purpose is to let you run applications that have not yet been modified to work "natively" on Apple Silicon Macs. MuseScore Studio is such an app, and thus needs Rosetta. There is nothing wrong with installing Rosetta; it doesn't downgrade your Mac or something like that, it only extends its capabilities.

In a few weeks, MuseScore Studio 4.4 will be released, and this version does work "natively" on Apple Silicon Macs. So for MuseScore Studio 4.4, you won't need Rosetta anymore.

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