Pizzicato strings no longer work score wide, b-b-but.....

• Aug 16, 2024 - 02:04

I have a score that I have been working on for a long time, and it's only now that pizzicato strings don't work. It'll work on new scores and other scores, but not this one. I'm leaning toward that the file is corrupt somehow. Is there something I can try before I trash this file and start again? I'll print it out beforehand so no worries (except for the listener)


In reply to by bobjp

No, I won't do that, instead I'll re-input it. Thanks.
(I had a funnier response but I see the exterminator coming so I better hide)

EDIT: I think it has something to do with the fact that this file has been around in one form or another since 2000. Started it with Overture, ported it to Sibelius, then to Musescore. It's seen Musescore 2 through the current version. Each time I saved it from the earlier version and opened it in the newer version. That must have taken a toll on this poor file. Maybe I'll send it on a little vacation to Hawaii.

Solved: This happens when you select any string patch under MS Basic. If you do that, you won't be able to use pizz, arco, tremolo or anything like that. If you want to use these indications and have them play, you must let Musescore choose the patch for you. So I won't have to re-enter my piece, thank goodness.

So basically, don't do this:

Do this until they fix it where you can pizz, arco, or tremolo in any patch:

I guess if you were to report this as a bug, it would be under "MS Basic string patches ignore string effect keywords" or something like that.

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