Running under Wine

• Aug 16, 2024 - 16:25

Many features, sometimes the most outstanding ones, of Musescore 4.x are not available in Linux ad some have no prediction of when they could be implemented. MU4 doesn't work with pipewire sound engine in recent distros. So MU4 in Linux is mostly a notation software instead of a studio. I tried several versions and builds of MU4 for Windows in Wine and it crashed when launching. Does anyone have tips on how to run Musescore studio 4 and Musehub under Wine in linux? That way we linux users could have access to the new features in a do-it-yourself way. (Probably if there was not linux version wine community would have added it to winedb, found workarounds to make it work and we would be better than with partially functional native version.)


Forgive me, but IMHO this is ridiculous.
"We Linux users" does not apply to all Linux users. The traditional way to do it 'in a do-it-yourself' way, is to contribute code to this open source project.
We will end up with Muse Management deciding to drop Linux support altogether.

Happily using linux:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630832, revision: 22b46f2

If I want to use MuseHub (which I don't really need), i have the option of dual-booting into Windows or of running in a Windows virtual machine.

I don't think I've used wine for anything in the past five years. I'd say dual-boot if it is essential to your workflow.

In reply to by fernandoamartin

I don't have pipewire yet( still on Ubuntu 22.04 - supported at least until 2027), but i would be surprised if this cannot be made working.
Did you see this?
Also, note that in MS4.4 (beta here: ) , you can choose Buffer size and sample rate (if this is causing the problem).
There is also a pipewire audio driver in the pipeline

In reply to by graffesmusic

You're right. Now 4.4 works with pipewire. There's also a midi out that I didn't have time to test if now I can connect to an sfz player or other kind of midi player. Maybe...
No vst yet.
I don't know if muse sounds manager for linux will keep updating muse sounds correctly. It keeps saying that all my sound are up-to-date. Strangely muse hub official site doesn't allow me not even to download the windows exe to try to see if it works under linux. It says explicitly that my system is not supported. I know I could change my browser agent but I wont waste time with it if devs are willing banning linux users from their new technologies.
Thanks for the help so far.

In reply to by fernandoamartin

You could try my linux vst build. See
MS 4.4 beta for testing here:
Works with
-native Linux vst3's made with JUCE. I didn't update the list of working plugins anymore. I'm sure there is a working plugin available for any (traditional) effect you may want to use. (all other Linux vst's will not show a gui, for the time being). Native Linux vst's:
-Windows plugins that can be made working with wine in the first place (i use wine+yabridge, but there are other options)
Muse management confirmed that the free Muse Sounds will remain available for Linux. They are working on an updated Muse Sounds Manager. The paid sounds will not be available. (i am curious: would you be willing to pay possibly hundreds of $ for commercial sounds?)
I stay with my idea that running MuseScore for Windows in Wine is a very very very bad idea. It is a direct path to dropping Linux support altogether (why would one build a Linux version, if the windows version works perfectly in wine, right?)
Also: which version of Wine would you want to be supported? Only the most recent ones? Stable, staging or even PlayOnLinux? Every Linux distro has another version. After every wine update, one can better light a candle for Saint Rita hoping the setup still works. It is even worse than the hundreds of different bleeding edge Linux distro's to support. This is fine for experimenting but not for actual work. (yeah, i know: i also use wine for some vst's, but only if there is absolutely no other option)

In reply to by graffesmusic

Thank you. I think you answered all my questions all at once.
MU 4.4 works witglh pipewire. I didn't know about it but now you told me vdt works.
I was browsing muse hub site to see what the new muse sounds are. But if they are paid I would not risk paying for any one of them. I'm still struggling with the inconsistencies of the free onesWho knows what may happen with paid ones?
I cpund a midi out in 4.4 but was not able to connect it to any midi input of other software to have support for sfz and other formats.
So if most free features are working in 4.4 I can give up on trying to run it under wine.

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