MuseSounds not working MuseScore 4 Linux

• Aug 17, 2024 - 00:33

Hi, I recently switched over to a Linux-based operating system (Pop!_OS to be specific) and I am currently trying to get MuseScore setup so I can continue to work on music, but MuseScore does not want to register the instruments I have downloaded with MuseSounds.

I have installed both programs through the official website, both run and function, and I was even able to download all of the instrument packages. The problem is, when I run MuseScore and try and set my instruments as the proper ones instead of MS Basic, MuseSounds does not show up where it should.

I have checked View -> Playback setup, and MuseSounds is greyed out. I have restarted both programs. I have restarted my computer. I did not change where any files are locate. i have no changed program permissions. I have not changed where MuseScore looks for files. I have ran a diagnostic on MuseSampler and it tells me the library is not found. I have done everything I could find recommended to do short of uninstalling and reinstalling everything, which I shouldn't have to do out of the box.


Uninstalling/reinstalling never works.
The obvious problem is, as you say "I have ran a diagnostic on MuseSampler and it tells me the library is not found. "
Troubleshooting anything starts with collecting information.
Please send a recent logfile. ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/
Is Pop!OS a debian based distribution? (just curious: is there a particular reason why you don't use a mainstream Linux distro?)

In reply to by graffesmusic

when I put in the command into the terminal, I get the error "no such file directory"

I'm using this distro off of a recommendation from a friend, and I think I'd be having trouble either way because I'm clearly dumber than a box of rocks the way I can't get anything in this operating system to work properly. As far as I know, popos is debian based since I can run debian files on it. I was told it's mostly Ubuntu under the hood.

In reply to by graffesmusic

I put " ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/ " into the terminal, which I assumed was a terminal command, and it outputs "no such file directory" and upon looking for the file myself, there does not seem to be a folder in /.local/share/MuseScore. Not sure what you mean by "post a log file with the error" though since I have no found any logs.

In reply to by VpV64

Sure there are logs.
So "~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/" is a folder.
You must do on a cmd line :
cd ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/
(the cd command means 'change directory'; ~ means your home directory; the dot in .local means it is a hidden directory)
There will be MuseScore logfiles, something like 'MuseScore_240819_225932.log' (the numbers in the filename are date and time).
Upload the youngest to this thread.

Your search in "/.local/share/MuseScore" cannot succeed. You search from the root directory, not from your home directory, since you are omitting the ~. (details are important)

In reply to by graffesmusic

My point was that I looked within the folder structure myself, and there is no folder for MuseScore under share at all. Doing the command to change directory tells me again that the file/directory does not exist. The problem seems to be that MuseScore isn't generating logs at all

In reply to by VpV64

I do not know. I explained where to look, but evidently you have a non-standard setup.
On a normal setup, MuseScore logs, and other settings/config things such as sessions, shortcuts and so on are all under ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/
MuseSampler library should be under: ~/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib
But since you don't have any of these, i cannot possibly know where to look.
Are you using the official AppImage?
You can start the appimage from the command line and in the output you should see something like 'cannot find MuseSampler library' or 'Incompatible MuseSampler library' or some other error.
As explained, this in under the hidden directory /home/[username]/.local (notice the DOT)

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