
• Aug 18, 2024 - 00:28

I wrote a big part for my score and i accidentally exited out without saving it but I did not know and then when i opened muse score again, it gave me a warning if I wanted to keep it unsaved but i did not read it and clicked off. And now I don't know how to get it back. Please I need it back. Please help. It is the only score on my account.


In reply to by edgarv23039

It does autosave. But a) not until you save the file yourself (not sure about this), and b) once you close the file and explicitly tell it to not save (which is what you described) that autosaved backup is deleted (and this I am sure of). That's what the link I gave you is about: the place where it saves that backup ... if it saved that backup.

Don't be surprised by this: Such behavior is how ALL applications work.

In reply to by TheHutch

I don't understand why this stupid app is so difficult when it comes to saving. You guys make people work so hard on a score and at the end you give them such a difficult time to save what they're doing and they click one wrong button and tis all over? My whole score got deleted after it offered me to save, and it changed the whole thing I don't understand why can't you guys add a option where if it closes the site saves it for you automatically or when you click out you just click save. It doesn't even give you a second option to make sure. I legit lost everything I worked so hard for nothing. And you guys are not going to do anything. You guys made it until Muse score 4 and did not think to even add a direct autosave. You give the option to save to iCloud or computer and go thru all this nonsense and i don't understand and i click on one button and a i lose everything and you guys don't care. I'm even scared to even click a button on the site now. But i don't have anything anymore it's all gone. Not even talking about the part i lost but out of nowhere my entire score was empty.

In reply to by TheHutch

And no. Not all notation applications do that nonsense. Flat.io saves anytime you do something. Is it so too much to ask. Like you guys want to make this app the best professional music notation app and you add so much unnecessary stuff and messes so many people up. Like is there a way like an admin can bring my stuff back like i have the score still but everything i had muse score took it away because there saving system is so confusing.

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