Multiple fret boards over a whole note in Musescore 4

• Aug 18, 2024 - 22:11

Currently, I'm using the MuseScore Studio version (64-bit x86_64) 4.3.2-241630832 (rev. 22b46f2). So far, so good until I have to do a multiple fret boards over a whole note as seen in the attached picture. My current approach to resolve this is to change the whole note into a 1/2 note + a 1/4 note + a 1/4 note and tie them together then add each fret board accordingly. But, that looks very ugly. Is there a better way to resolve this so it will look like as shown in the attached picture?

Thank you.


To place these chord diagrams, write quarter notes (or half note and 2 quarter notes) in another voice, say Voice 2 (which you will then hide, not forgetting to disable their playback in the Properties panel).
Another idea: enter chord symbols, any kind of chord, say an A (which can be done in any beat), add the diagrams after selecting the chord symbols, then delete these chord symbols.
This second idea is perhaps the quickest to execute.

What I do is to create a temporary bar with the necessary beats, place the fretboards, paste them into the required bar, then delete the temporary bar.


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