Delete a Page

• Aug 19, 2024 - 06:39

There are multiple songs in this one file. I would like to delete pages 1 through 7 and then pages 10 and 11 -- how?
Thanks, Pat

Attachment Size
Mystery-Eat:Amen (Mass of Renewal).mscz 106.18 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo-Schmitz, that doesn't work (I have MuseScore 4), but it gave me enough to figure it out:
1. Click on the Header system (sorry, don't know official name--thing that contains Title, Subtitle, Lyricist, Composer)
2. Hit delete key
3. Repeat for every Header system not wanted
4. "Select first measure on page 1"
5. "Shift select last measure on page 7"
6. Right mouse click on one of the highlighted measures
7. Click on "Delete Measures" from that submenu
8. Voila!
Thank you so much for getting me started!!!!

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