The Problem With the new 1st Solo Violin Sound
i was composing a piece for a string quartet the other day where i had just recently been told about the new muse sounds. I gave them a try. All instruments sounded absolutely amazing but i have a few notes on the 1st Solo Violin. Whenever there are to notes just next to each other they look normal until when played because all notes on the 1st Solo Violin sound like they are just literally glissando as if all notes were being played on one string altogether. This makes the piece sound awkward and just waaaay too romantic. I hope MuseScore will find a fix for such a small problem.
I'm not using playback at all, but from other postings in this forum, use violin 2 instead.
In reply to I'm not using playback at… by TomStrand
Yes. use Solo Violin 2. The numbers refer to different playing styles. Not desks.
I hope MuseScore will find a fix for such a small problem.
I'm sorry to say that this over-romantic playing style for "Violin 1" was a deliberate choice. It has been heavily criticized by many users.