Missing system fonts? (ATTN: Adobe Creative Cloud users?)
I am a new MuseScore user. I am running into the same issue with Musescore 4.3.2 on two computers; one is Windows 10 and the other is Windows 11. I have not been able find where this is addressed in the Handbook.
I have fonts installed on my system (the same fonts on both computers) that are not showing up in the list of fonts in Musescore. They appear in other installed apps for use, but not Musescore.
If it helps, they are Adobe fonts. I am also a Creative Cloud user (I'm sure there are many others here). I have both activated and locally installed the Adobe fonts. I have also restarted both computers. Still, the fonts I need are not showing up as options for text in Musescore.
Am I doing something wrong? I would be grateful for assistance. Thank you!
EDIT: I tried downloading and installing a non-Adobe font (something free from DaFont) and it worked beautifully. But neither Adobe font, which I did activate and install locally as directed, show up in the same font list. So, I would be very grateful for anyone here who has Adobe specific experience to chime in! Thank you!
Sheet music engraving in MuseScore uses music fonts and there are only a few available. You can use system fonts within text boxes and the like.
In reply to MuseScore uses music fonts… by underquark
Thank you @underquark :-) Yes, it's text boxes that I'm having trouble with. Specifically, the Composer field. The installed system font that I want to use is not showing up as an option in the font list in Musescore, when trying to format the Composer/Arranger.
Which operating system
Which version if MuseScore
Did you install the font just for yourself or for all users
In reply to Which operating system Which… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for your reply! I mentioned in my original post the version of Musescore and operating systems. :-)
Also, I am signed into Windows as administrator... I assume this means that the fonts are installed for all users, not just me? I'm honestly not sure how that works?
In reply to Thank you for your reply! I… by jamtpg22
Oops, missed that, downside of doing stuff in small hours (6:30 am)
No, it doesn't, it is an option and the default is for just the current user
The was a bug in MuseScore that it didn't show the user ones, but that should have been fixed
In reply to Oops, missed that No, it… by Jojo-Schmitz
But, if I install the font as that user (Administrator by the way) and then also use Musescore on the same user account, it should still be available for that user, correct?
In reply to But, if I install the font… by jamtpg22
With the bug I mentioned not.
Also, I have tested another non-Adobe font. I installed it as usual as a system font, and sure enough, it shows up as an option in Musescore for the Composer field. Are there any other Adobe Creative Cloud users who have run into this and know how to make it work correctly? Thank you!
In reply to Also, I have tested another… by jamtpg22
I've always had to delete the qt.conf to get Adobe Fonts to appear in every edition of Musecore up to 4.3.2. It stops the PDF export working, but at least you can use fonts like in any other package if you delete qt.conf. You can still produce PDFs by printing instead of using the export function.
Experiencing the same issue on Musescore 4.4.4, Windows 10, exactly as described above.