Version 4.4 - Issue with playback of distorted guitars

• Aug 29, 2024 - 12:34

Some context: I usually enter the notes in a guitar chord in different voices, as I often write polyphonically. For example, for a C major chord, I'd put C in voice 1, E in voice 2, and so on.

After updating to version 4.4, it seems the playback system no longer recognizes these notes as being played on the same guitar. This is especially noticeable when using distorted (heavy) guitars, where chords notated this way now sound like several single notes played simultaneously, instead of having that "crunch" that distorted guitar chords should. Can someone look into this? Thanks!


Sorry, I don't have any help for you. Just an observation, if you will. I have 4.4.

As a guitar player and long time notation software user, ( limited to Sibelius and MuseScore) I haven't really been that happy with distortion fonts. And I haven't really looked around for any. So I haven't written much for guitar. However the latest guitar sounds are much better. I recently finished (just for the fun of it) an all distortion guitar version of Thunderstruck. And it's kind of fun.

Anyway, I was wondering why you would enter the notes of a chord in different voices. So I entered a 4 note Am chord in one of the heavy fonts all in voice one. Then the same chord with each note in a different voice. The different voice chord has a lot more bite to to the initial striking of the chord. I wonder why?

Your post has given me some ideas.

I hope you get some real answers.

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